
Clinging to God’s Glorious Word

Deteriorating State

At creation, God declared the universe good (Genesis 1:31). That was creation in its perfect state, exactly the way the Lord intended it to be. However, sin entered the world, and with it, every horror, evil, and decay. What God had created as good is now, in its current state, bad.

This current state is ever-changing, and in its relationship to God, getting worse. The Bible tells us that as we careen our way to the end of this age of human history, humanity's condition will continue to deteriorate (see 2 Timothy 3:1-9; Matthew 24).

For Christians, just about every area of culture and law are against us, and this trend will continue. Fortunately, we are told in God's Word that those who have Jesus as their Lord and Savior are more than conquerors (Romans 8:37) regarding all the ills and hardships the world afflicts on us. Translation: Even if the world kills us, it cannot separate us from God (Romans 8:38-39), meaning our eternal existence with Him is assured, no matter what (John 14:2-3).

But for now, we live in this ever-deteriorating world, and we must do what we can to cope until eternity beckons. What is the best way to do this?

A Key Way

One answer to this question is scattered throughout the above section. Notice the amount of Scripture references included in it. This is one of the keys to coping in this ever-deteriorating world: God's Word. God's Word – the Bible¬¨ – is something we must fill ourselves with every day. We must cherish God's Word. We must embrace God's Word. We must learn from God's Word. We must obey God's Word. And we must cling to God's Word.

Contained in God's Word is God's voice. Though God can communicate to His children any way He sees fit, His primary way is through His inspired, or God-breathed (God-ordained) revelation (2 Timothy 3:16). It is in God's Word that He reveals to us what He is like, how He wants us to relate to Him, and how we should behave. Also in God's Word is undisputed truth and direction. We can trust God's Word to lead us in the way we should go. We can trust God's Word to help sort out all the nonsense we are assaulted with daily and how to make sense of it all.

Great Truths

One of the great portions of Scripture which focuses on the Word of God is the 176-verse masterpiece, Psalm 119. The theme is God's Word, and this glorious psalm radiates with praises and affirmations of it:

For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven (v. 89). Though the world is ever-changing, God's Word remains firm and true.

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path (v. 105). Though the world is filled with darkness and confusion, God's Word illumines our way.

Thou art my hiding place and my shield: I hope in thy word (v. 114). In this crazy, out-of-control world, what can we put our hope in? The answer is obvious.

Order my steps in thy word: and let not any iniquity have dominion over me (v. 133). How should I conduct my life? Only the Word of God can tell me.

I prevented the dawning of the morning, and cried: I hoped in thy word (v. 147). When in despair, the Word of God is where you can turn to for hope and comfort.

Clinging to God's Word

I recently read a rather difficult portion of Scripture, Leviticus Chapters 25-27. I can't say there was much in there which directly applied to my life, but this isn't the point. Not everything in the Bible must apply directly to every individual.

Rather, the precious aspect of this reading for me was hearing God's voice and spending time with Him. In reading His Word, I heard His voice. I read about things which matter to Him, and the ways in which He orders the activities of men and women. Hearing God's voice – through His Word – brought order, comfort, and direction to my early morning, and it carried me through my day.

I hear many other voices during the course of a given day, but none which can give me the inner-peace and guidance God's Word can. Nothing even comes close. Because of this, and because this world is ever deteriorating and getting darker, I find myself clinging to God's glorious Word more and more. It truly is my lamp and my light!

David Ettinger is a writer/editor at Zion's Hope, Inc., and has written for Zion's Fire magazine since its inception in 1990.