History's 4 Crucial Covenants Part 2
David Rosenthal
David Rosenthal completes his study of the main covenants of the Bible. After reviewing the Abrahamic Covenant, he explores the others, giving particular emphasis on the land aspect, and how the other covenants are connected to the Abrahamic Covenant as the foundation. Study the importance of, "History's 4 Crucial Covenants," in this Studio Elective.
The Lords Coming Wrath 12.4 - New Jerusalem in the Kingdom
Michael Ufferman
Mike Ufferman continues his studies involving Jerusalem. In this Studio Elective, he explores what the land of Israel will look like in the Millennium, and New Jerusalem and how it will fit into that glorious time. He uses maps and graphics to help us understand the importance of this city in, "The Lord's Coming Wrath 12.4 - New Jerusalem in the Kingdom."
O Bethlehem Part 1
Dr. Dan Hayden
Dr. Dan Hayden begins a new series on the little town of Bethlehem. He covers main events connected to this town, from Ruth and Judges, leading up to the birth of Jesus. God often takes what is humble and uses it for His glory. This and more in, "O Bethlehem Part 1."
Why Study the End Times
Dr. Michael Weis
Expanding on his article in the January/February 2024 edition of Zion's Fire magazine, Dr. Michael Weis explores a basic frequently asked question. He also explains why many Christians don't study the End Times, shares several reasons why we should, and how to respond to those who don't in, "Why Study the End Times?"
Is the Church Really the Bride of Christ?
Dr. Michael Wei
Dr. Michael Weis addresses one of the assumptions within the Church today. He explores the Old and New Testament references to "the Bride" as it is stated in the Scriptures. He challenges us to think, while bringing up various topics associated with the question, "Is the Church Really the Bride of Christ?" in this Studio Elective.
History's 4 Crucial Covenants Pt 1 - The Abrahamic Covenant
David Rosenthal
David Rosenthal, President of Zion's Hope, begins a series on the covenants God made with His people Israel. In this Studio Elective, David addresses what covenants are, and the Covenant God made with Abraham and how it lays the foundation for the Covenants which followed in, "History's 4 Crucial Covenants Part 1 - The Abrahamic Covenant."
Daniel Part 7 - Daniel 6 - Civil Disobedience
Bob Hunt
Bob Hunt continues his study of the book of Daniel in this Studio Elective. In Daniel 6, Bob exposits the text and makes a crucial application for Christians today. He explores times when believers must disobey ruling authorities and follow the Lord, regardless of the consequences. This will occur in the End Times when the Antichrist will rule. Find out more in, "Daniel Part 7 - Daniel 6 - Civil Disobedience."
The Lord's Coming Wrath 12.3 - New Jerusalem
Michael Ufferman
Michael Ufferman completes his End Times study, focusing on what New Jerusalem will look like, and how the land will be split up in the Kingdom. He gives details based on the biblical text from the Old and New Testament regarding what it will look like and what will happen in, "The Lord's Coming Wrath 12.3 - New Jerusalem."
The Paradox of the Trinity
Dr. Michael Weis
In this critical Studio Elective, Dr. Michael Weis tackles one of the most difficult doctrines of the Christian faith - the Trinity. He starts with Monotheism, defines the Trinity, and shows how numerous texts in the Old and New Testament that clearly state God's character as a Tri-une Being. Dr. Weis then quotes from the Early Church Fathers that express this essential doctrine, and talks about examples in, "The Paradox of the Trinity."
Daniel Part 6: "There is a Man" - Daniel 5
Bob Hunt
Bob Hunt goes through Daniel 5 and explores the historical context and theological context of the events in this Studio Elective. He also makes application for us, showing that man's wisdom cannot overcome, nor understand God's wisdom and His ways, and more in, "Daniel Part 6 - "There is a Man: Daniel 5."
The Lord's Coming Wrath 12.2 - Jerusalem in Prophecy
Michael Ufferman
Michael Ufferman continues his series on the holy city of Jerusalem. In this message, he covers her destruction, salvation and then how the city will be restructured during the Kingdom Age, or Millennium. Going through numerous Old Testament passages, he explains each in detail in, "The Lord's Coming Wrath 12.2 - Jerusalem in Prophecy."
The Lords Coming Wrath 11.7 - Jerusalem: King Herod Part 1
Michael Ufferman
In this Studio Elective, Michael Ufferman continues his series on Jerusalem, highlighting King Herod. He explains who Herod was, where he came from, his lineage, how he rose to power, and more. Citing the Bible and external biblical sources, find out who Herod the Great was in, "The Lord's Coming Wrath 11.7 - Jerusalem: King Herod Part 1."
Five Shadows of the Cross Part 1
Dr. Dan Hayden
Dr. Dan Hayden begins a 5-part series on the sacrifices in the Book of Leviticus. In this first session, Dr. Hayden explains the process of offering the sacrifices, who did it, and how the offering took the place of the offerer. He also shows how Jesus, the final sacrifice, took our place on the cross and fulfilled these sacrifices in, "Five Shadows of the Cross - Part 1."
The Coming Lawless One - 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12
Bob Hunt
Bob Hunt explains the Antichrist, his character, his rise, and other insights in this Studio Elective. He addresses what it will be like when the Antichrist arises, and looks at Old Testament passages to connect with the End Times and today. Bob challenges us to be mature believers in, "The Coming Lawless One - 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12."
5 Covenants of the Bible Part 1 - Introduction and the Noahic Covenant
Dr. Michael Weis
In this Studio Elective, Dr. Michael Weis begins a 5-part series on the Covenants of the Bible. He first defines a covenant, describes the types of covenants and explores the first one in Scripture, but doesn't stop there. He then explores the attack upon, and significance of the rainbow in the rest of the Bible in, "5 Covenants of the Bible Part 1 - Introduction and the Noahic Covenant."
The Splendor of God's Glory
David Rosenthal
David Rosenthal teaches on a topic that is often neglected. While we use the term "glory," often in the Church regarding God, we have not stopped to consider the actual meaning of what it means. Discover the meaning of "glory" in this Studio Elective, "The Splendor of God's Glory."
Beyond Survival Part 4 - Sure Footing in the Swamp - 2 Timothy 3:14-17
Dr. Dan Hayden
Dr. Dan Hayden concludes his series in this Studio Elective. He explores the last few verses of 2 Timothy 3, examines the context, and applies it to our world today, warning us of some current trends in the Church. This is a crucial message greatly needed in the body of Christ. Watch, "Beyond Survival Part 4 - Sure Footing in the Swamp - 2 Timothy 3:14-17."
Will the Real Messiah Please Stand Up
David Rosenthal
In this Studio Elective, David Rosenthal explores numerous Old and New Testament texts. He connects the prophesies about the Messiah with their fulfillment, proving that Jesus is Who He said He is. Learn more about the Christ in, "Will The Real Messiah Please Stand Up."
1 Thessalonians Pt. 3 - Warnings - 1 Thessalonians 4:3-12
Bob Hunt
Bob Hunt continues his overview of 1 Thessalonians in this Studio Elective. In this lesson, he reminds us of the command to "be holy," and emphasizes 2 areas where the Thessalonians needed this truth.
1 Thessalonians Pt 2 Be Holy 1 Thess 3 12 4 3 with Bob Hunt
Bob Hunt
Bob Hunt continues exploring 1 Thessalonians. In this message, he highlights one area the Apostle Paul covers in this letter – holiness. Paul encouraged Christians in Thessalonica to grow in love, which is a growth in holiness.
The Living Word Pt. 4 - The Pastorals with Dr. Dan Hayden
Dan Hayden
In this Studio Elective, Dr. Hayden continues his overview of the structure of the Bible and its importance. He explains the letters of 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus, and Philemon and how they fit into the picture of the human body as a picture of the Christian life.
Being Exclusivistic in a Syncretistic World Pt. 5 - Exclusive Worldview Pt 1: God
Dr. Michael Weis
In part 5 of his series, Dr. Weis continues exploring Acts 17, focusing on verses 22-31, and helps us understand that a Biblical worldview is first based on God's character.
Being Exclusivistic in a Syncretistic World Pt. 6 - The Exclusive Worldview Pt. 2
Dr. Michael Weis
In his last message in this series, Dr. Weis helps the viewer to start developing a Biblical worldview, or perspective. Based in Acts 17:22-31, he gives a skeletal outline to build from by addressing: Creation, Humanity, Salvation, Judgment, and Resurrection. Dr. Weis also explores the "days" of creation and contrasts creation with evolution and the importance of each of the elements.
The Living Word Pt. 6 - The Epistles with Dr. Dan Hayden
Dan Hayden
Dr. Hayden continues his series on the structure of the Bible pictured as a human body, with the letters of the New Testament, using the imagery of hands and arms. He distinguishes the Gentile and Jewish epistles and the importance and place of each group, focusing on Romans and Hebrews.
The Living Word Pt. 7 - The Faith Epistles with Dr. Dan Hayden
Dr. Dan Hayden
In part 7 of Dr. Hayden's series on the structure of the Bible, he gives an overview of 6 letters, or epistles. Reminding us of the distinction between the Gentile and Jewish letters, he dives into the "push and pull" aspect of the letters, pushing away sin, and pulling towards us with fellowship and love.
The Day of the Lord and the Chronology of Christ's Second Coming - Matthew 24
David Rosenthal
After reviewing what he discussed in previous sessions about the Day of the Lord, David Rosenthal explores Matthew 24. He takes us step by step through and unfolds the events of the End Times, giving clarity to the final 7 years of history as we know it.
The Lords Coming Wrath 11.0 - Jerusalem in History and Prophecy Pt. 1
Michael Ufferman
Michael continues his End Times series and begins his study of Jerusalem. He starts with Abraham's journeys through the Promised Land and shows how many times he travelled by or through ancient Jerusalem, and his meeting with the King-Priest, Melchizedek.
Shadows of the Resurrection - Dr. Michael Weis
Dr. Michael Weis
Dr. Weis explores five texts from the Old Testament that picture the resurrection of Jesus. He gives the context of each, and explains how they are a preview of the most important event in history, and makes application for our lives.
Being Exclusivistic in a Syncretistic World Pt. 4 - The Exclusive Message
Dr. Michael Weis
Dr. Weis continues exploring Acts 17 (vv. 16-21). He discusses the idolatry in Athens and Paul's righteous response in declaring the exclusivity of the Gospel. He examines the various religious views in Athens and the "strange teaching" of the resurrection of Jesus. Dr. Weis also summarizes the Gospel and how we can witness to unbelievers today.
The Third Angel Pt 2 - Mark of the Beast Pt 1 - Revelation 14:9-11 with Bob Hunt
Bob Hunt
ob Hunt continues his series on Revelation 14, where he puts Daniel's 70th Week in context and talks about how the Antichrist will come to power. He then addresses the satanic power behind the Antichrist, and the worship of the beast and its image. Bob connects technology and the globalistic push today, and how the mark of the beast could be implemented in our lifetime.
The Living Word Pt. 5 - The Writings with Dr. Dan Hayden
Dr. Dan Hayden
In this Studio Elective, Dr. Hayden continues his structural study of the Bible and how it fits like the human body. In this message, he covers Wisdom Literature in the Old Testament and reflects on how these critical books help us live the "abundant life," as we die to self and become alive to God.
The 3rd Angel Pt. 3 - The Mark Pt 2 - The Mark & its Consequences - Rev. 14:9-11
Bob Hunt
Bob continues to explore Revelation 14 and the mark of the beast. After reviewing when the mark will be instituted, Bob emphasizes the eternal consequences of receiving this mark.
The Day of the Lord Part 2
David Rosenthal
In his next Studio Elective on this critical topic, David Rosenthal, President of Zion's Hope, reviews what the prophets say about the Day of the Lord. Next, he connects the Rapture and other End Time events before discussing what Peter and Paul state about this subject. Last, he covers the words of Jesus and the Olivet Discourse in, "The Day of the Lord: Part 2."
The Day of the Lord Part 1
David Rosenthal
David Rosenthal, president of Zion's Hope, discusses the timing of the events of the End Times. He examines numerous Old Testament passages addressing one of the most critical topics connected to prophecy. He quotes from numerous prophets, and connects those passages with what Peter and Paul said in the New Testament in this Studio Elective, "The Day of the Lord Part 1."
The Living Word Pt. 3 - The Book of Acts
Dr. Dan Hayden
Dr. Dan Hayden continues his fascinating study of the body of truth known as the Bible. In this Studio Elective, after a brief review, Dr. Hayden dives in to the book of Acts. He explores Peter's responsibility, privilege, and ministry to the Jews at the beginning of Acts, and the transition to the Gentiles and grace through Paul as the book progresses. He also shows where Acts fits in to his illustration and how it connects to the rest of Scripture in, "The Living Word Pt 3 - The Book of Acts."
The Lord's Coming Wrath 10.0 - Resurrection and Rapture
Michael Ufferman
After asking who is allowed into Heaven and exploring Hebrews 9, Michael Ufferman turns to 1 Thessalonians 4 and 1 Corinthians 15. He focuses on how the Rapture and resurrection of believers were pictured in the Old Testament, and answers related questions in this Studio Elective, "The Lord's Coming Wrath 10.0 - Resurrection and Rapture."
Being Exclusivistic in a Syncretistic World Pt. 3
Dr. Michael Weis
In this Studio Elective, Dr. Michael Weis continues his series based on Acts 17. He examines verses 10-15, gives the context regarding those with whom Paul spoke, and then emphasizes the importance of Scripture in the Christian life. Dr. Weis explains how we should look at the Bible, a summary of how we got the Bible, the reliability of the Bible, and a summary of the Bible. Don't miss this critical study of the Scriptures in, "Being Exclusivistic in a Syncretistic World Part 3 - Acts 17:10-15."
The Third Angel Part 1 - Revelation 14:9-11
Bob Hunt
Bob Hunt continues his study of Revelation 14 and the 3 angels. After a brief review, and setting the context within Daniel's 70th Week, he explores these verses, challenging Christians to be ready for persecution, and warn others of God's wrath to come. He reminds us that during this future time in history, many will worship the beast, who is the Antichrist, and his image. He also warns not to take the mark of the beast in this Studio Elective, "The Third Angel, Part 1 - Revelation 14:9-11."
The Living Word Pt. 2 - The Gospels
Dr. Dan Hayden
In this Studio Elective, Dr. Dan Hayden continues his series on the Word of God, reminding us of the connection between the Living Word and the written Word. He focuses on the Gospels and how they fit in to the "body" that makes up the Scripture. He explains how each Gospel shows one specific aspect of Jesus and compares it with Ezekiel's vision. He gives a summary of each Gospel, and shows how each one points to Jesus as the head of the Church in, "The Living Word Pt. 2 - The Gospels."
The Lords Coming Wrath 9.1 - Jews, Gentiles and Religious Heathens Pt. 2
Michael Ufferman
In this Studio Elective, Michael Ufferman reviews the opening chapters of Revelation, and the trumpet judgments. He then goes back to the Old Testament book of Isaiah, chapter 66, and focuses on the Jews, Gentiles, and others during the end times, and how God will deal with each in, "The Lord's Coming Wrath 9.1 - Jews, Gentiles, and Religious Heathens Pt 2."
The Lords Coming Wrath 9.0 - Jews, Gentiles and Religious Heathens Pt. 1
Michael Ufferman
Michael Ufferman continues his series on various end-times topics. In this Studio Elective, he opens with the early chapters of Revelation and explains the seals on the scroll. He addresses the Day of the Lord and its timing, then talks about those who will be alive after the Rapture. He shows what will happen to those who won't, and those who will, believe in Christ during the end times, in "The Lord's Coming Wrath 9.0 - Jews, Gentiles, and Religious Heathens Pt. 1."
Being Exclusivistic in a Syncretistic World Pt. 2
Dr. Michael Weis
In part 2 of this series, Dr. Michael Weis continues his study of Acts 17. He gives the context of verses 1-9, then addresses the issue of truth itself, defining it, and showing how what Paul did is what we need to do today. Dr. Weis explains some ways Satan and the world distort the truth, and challenges us to study the Scriptures, defend the Scriptures, and declare the Scriptures to our world in this Studio Elective, "Being Exclusivistic in a Syncretistic World Pt. 2 - The Exclusive Truth - Acts 17:1-9."
The Living Word Part 1 - The Mosaic of Christ
Dr Dan Hayden
Dr. Dan Hayden begins a fascinating series on the structure of the Bible. In this first lesson, he connects the Living Word, Jesus, with the written Word, Scripture. Dr. Hayden shows us how the Bible directs us to Jesus, is about Jesus, and how Jesus fulfilled what it said about Him. He also compares the nature of both the Scripture as the inspired Word and Christ as the incarnate Word, looks at the structure of Scripture and more in this Studio Elective, "The Living Word Part 1 - The Mosaic of Christ."
A World Collapse - Revelation 14:8
Bob Hunt
In this Studio Elective, Bob Hunt continues his study of Revelation 14 and the angels with a clear focus on the fall of Babylon. He explores what Babylon is as a city, where it originated and how the Word is used in the Bible. Exploring other passages, Bob systematically studies this city which will be connected to the world in the end times in, "A World Collapse - Revelation 14:8."
Being Exclusivistic in a Syncretistic World Pt 1
Dr. Michael Weis
Dr. Michael Weis begins a new series based on Acts 17. In the first message, he gives the context and background of Acts 17, and a summary of the series. He compares the world of Paul to our world today and exhorts us to understand the culture in which we live and be able to share the gospel to different worldview, and that we must proclaim God's truth within a world that rejects objective truth. Don't miss this insightful Studio Elective, "Being Exclusivistic in a Syncretistic World Part 1 - The Exclusive Context."
The Lords Coming Wrath 8.0 - I Know the Day of the Rapture
Michael Ufferman
Michael Ufferman continues his series on various End Times topics, with a message regarding the Rapture. He talks about the Feasts of Israel, both the spring and fall, and puts them on a timeline showing the timing of each one, focusing on the Feast of Trumpets and connecting it to other prophetic passages. Don't miss the intriguing lesson, "The Lord's Coming Wrath 8.0 - I Know the Day of the Rapture."
Revelation's Gospel Angel - Revelation 14:6-7
Bob Hunt
Angels are often seen in the book of Revelation. In this Studio Elective, Bob Hunt discusses one of them, giving the context of the event in which he appears and the message the angel proclaims to the world. He explains the judgment God brings through the angelic host and His purpose for doing so. Bob also unfolds details about angels themselves, and reminds us of the importance of the Gospel message and makes application for us in, "Revelation's Gospel Angel: Revelation 14:6-7."
Beyond Wisemen Pt. 5 - The Gift of Myrrh
Dr. Dan Hayden
Dr. Dan Hayden completes this series on the gifts the "wise men" or "magi" brought to Jesus. Dr. Hayden explains what the myrrh was, why they brought it, and what it represents regarding the ceremonies of the Old Testament. He applies these truths to our lives in this insightful Studio Elective, "Beyond Wisemen Part 5 - The Gift of Myrrh."
The Prayer of the Persecuted - Psalm 143
Bob Hunt
Bob Hunt looks back in time to Psalm 143. He gives the context and setting of this prayer and then applies it to the end times when God's people will be persecuted. Bob also gives some details about this prayer and helps us see some critical principles for our lives today. Don't miss this important Studio Elective, "The Prayer of the Persecuted."
What the Early Church Fathers Believed about End Times
Dr. Michael Weis
The End Times has been a crucial topic since the writing of Scripture and has been the focus of Christians for generations. In this Studio Elective, Dr. Michael Weis addresses the eschatological beliefs of the early Church, and specifically the Antichrist, Rapture, the Great Tribulation, and the Millennium. He answers many questions and clarifies the context of their beliefs in, "What the Early Church Fathers Believed about End Times."